Flor rug update


Well, I hate to say it. But I got the samples of Flor "Finer Things"  in the mail the other day and I am less than enthused. It looks like basement/grade school carpeting to me.... The reviews were all great, but I just can't see myself liking a whole rug of the stuff.

Since I'm still sold on the idea of Flor, I'm giving it another go with "Suit Yourself." It has a sisal-like texture and I really like how it looks in this blogger's house. So I ordered some samples and we'll see if the texture of this one gives it a higher quality look.

The Hubs told me he isn't yet "committed" to getting a new rug. So the tape stays. And maybe this round of samples will change his mind :)


  1. Yeah from what I can tell from the pics... I'm not loving it! But the second option looks promising!!

  2. We'll see... it looks awesome in the Lettered Cottage's house!


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