Dwell with Dignity


I really love when people put their passions to work to help others. As alot of you know, I worked at a non-profit organization in Houston and I really loved my time there. Recently, I came across an awesome non profit that merges design with philanthropy. A GREAT combination, if you ask me.

Dwell with Dignity is a non-profit group of Dallas based Interior Designers and volunteers dedicated to creating soothing, inspiring homes for families struggling with homelessness and poverty. Their mission is to help families escape homelessness through design. Check out this before:

And then after:

I would love to see this organization spread to other cities! For more information, check out their website.

xoxo, Emily


  1. AnonymousMay 20, 2011

    that's a great idea. thanks for bringing them to my attention!

  2. Absolutely! I agree- GREAT idea! xo


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