Thankful Thursdays- My Blog!


As today is my Blog-iversary, I am feeling especially thankful for MSC. I started this blog out of necessity for myself- I really needed a creative outlet and a place to share the things that I find to be beautiful and inspiring. I also wanted to be able to connect with fellow design enthusiasts, and be able to share all the interior projects that I work on.

So far, it's been way fun! Here are some of my fav posts from the past year.
I'm love home decor. I love animals. So obvi I love animals in home decor.

The 5 Things I Love series is so great- getting to see what makes fellow bloggers smile? Love it!

Throwing my best friend's baby shower was super fun. And the decor was way cute, if I do say so.

The Thankful Thursday series is great for me. Taking the time to appreciate the little things that I am thankful for is a great way to sustain an attitude of gratitude- even if some of the things on the list are kind of silly!

A new house calls for new stuff, and craigslist really came through for me in the TV console department.

My first sewing project was a success.

Over the past few months, I have absolutely loved writing for Twenty Something. Such a fabulous magazine and I'm so happy to be a part of it!

I still want to recover a cube for my own house. It's on the list.

One of my favorite DIY projects... probably has something to do with the crazy animal lover in me.

Still loving my skirted table. I've been having to reel myself in from skirting all the tables in our house.  

The Gilpin Sunroom was such a fun project to work on. Maybe bc it was with my bestie but maybe bc it turned out awesome. Probably both.

I just wanted to say that I really appreciate all of you who take the time to read my little ole blog! Means the world to me.

Can't wait to see what the next year of blogging will bring!


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