Inspired to Incorporated: 2


Here we go for round two of inspired to incorporated. See round one here.


The pants I talked about in this post were a good purchase.
I just have to brag about the lamp above. I just got this one and added black trim myself. Pretty much identical, right?? Gotta love a good DIY that saves the $$$.

Thanks for reading today! PS- maybe I'll start taking pictures with a real camera instead of my iphone soon... or maybe not. In the meantime, I hope you'll excuse the graininess, poor lighting, etc. :)


  1. You are so posh (the Euro fab equivalent). PS you are also looking slim and trim - what's your secret? Miss you!

  2. Those pants are so fab!! These are my favorite posts :)

  3. Aud- I am loving the Euro-speak lessons, keep them coming! And you are sweet. But I think I look thin bc of photo editing... srsly.

    Michelle- thanks love!! I am liking these posts(and the pants!) too :)


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