pondering: dining room art


A constant item on 'the list' since we moved in has been art for the dining room. I've pondered lots of options, but the Hubs and I recently settled on the winner.

The wall is big, so the art gets to be big too! But before pulling the trigger, I wanted to make sure the dimensions are right. So I did what any self-respecting decorator does - I taped it out. Might not look like the classiest thing in the world, but it totally helps get a sense for the scale.

Just to give you an idea, we are going for this vibe (over sized scenic):

Think it's going to be goooooooooooooooooooooood. Now I really can't wait for the 'after'!

Probably not going to post until after the New Year as we will be very busy with travel and whatnot, so I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!! And thank you SO much for following along this year. It's been a great year and I can't wait to see what the next will bring :)

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