5 things I love- Second Street East


Today, to continue the "5 things I love" series, I have Michelle from Second Street East sharing a few of the things in her home that make her happy. Second Street East is FULL of inspiring images. I love seeing how Michelle makes her home uniquely 'her'.

I am so happy to be sharing my favorite things with you and a big thank you to Emily for having me!

First up is something so simple, but makes me happy every time I open the fridge!

My chiang mai tray that resides in the guest room is probably my favorite thing that I own right now! I am a little sad I didn't use it for my master bedroom!

In honor of spring finally making an appearance, these are definitely my favorite pair of sandals right now and will get tons of use once the weather stays warm!

These drawings that I recreated from Anthropologie make walking down the hallway a delight every time!

Lastly, my favorite piece of furniture is this armoire that I found on Craigslist, which is originally from Indonesia I think? Anyway, it has so much character and I can't see myself ever replacing it!

Thank you again for sharing with us, Michelle! You have an awesome eye, and I can't wait to see what do you with your home next!

xoxo, Emily

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